This new newsletter is intended for all mebers of the LFiA community. It will be done bimonthly, if you want to see more specific informations, do not hesitate to contact us : communication@lfia.edu.jo
What happened to our graduates?
Youssef Kacem (Tle S) studies engineering at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
-Secondary school reports are available on Pronote.
-Meetings with the head teacher and the administration for some students.
Grade 12 students: Saturday 17th April: Philosophy 8:30am-12:30pm (postponed due to the Jordan centenary celebration)
Grade 11 students: French mock exam being postponed to the week following 10th April/ Dates to be confirmed.
Monday 5th April 2021 5 :15pm : CVL (students)
Tuesday 6th April 2021 5pm-6 :30pm : parents’ forums
Via Zoom (the link will be sent before the meeting)
Send questions to parents’ representatives of the two councils before April 6th at the following addresses :
Grade 12 students must enter their orientation “wishes” on www.parcoursup.fr before April 8th.
Sunday 4th April 2021 : students will take their lessons as usual ( no unmarked day)
31 March 2021 : last day to request delisting in order not to pay the 3rd term. In case of a coming back to school in September, please proceed to the new registration on Eduka before April 15 to benefit from the reduction in first registration fees that was decided by the APE
Other useful information
Due to the new defense law, the opening hours of the secretariats in Yadudeh and Deir Ghbar are as follows : from 8 :30am to 2pm
Reception on site only for compelling reasons by appointment.
The TPS and PS courses are maintained at usual times: 8am – 1:12pm
Sunday 11th April 2021: Public holiday for the centenary of Jordan
Happy 100-year anniversary to Jordan !!!