This new newsletter is intended for all mebers of the LFiA community. It will be done bimonthly, if you want to see more specific informations, do not hesitate to contact us : communication@lfia.edu.jo
Last minute – Exams
With written authorization from the Ministry of Education, the 9th, 11th and 12th grades exams may be taken on site, including the major assignments of continuous assessment.
The agenda will be communicated to the classes concerned.
For the Re-registration for the return to school in September 2021,log in from april 16th to 30th 2021 on Eduka platform.
A tutorial will help you through the procedure.
Still not sure if you will be in Jordan the next school year?
Re-enroll your child(ren) and notify us of your departure as soon as possible. We can proceed to the delisting until the beginning of July.
If you notify us of your departure after this date,
the documents necessary for the registration of your child(ren) in their new school will be communicated at the end of August.
What happened to our high school graduates?
Omar Zaki (Tle S): follows economy and management studies at the University of Strasbourg.
Positioning tests were organized in the primary school this week for future LFiA students coming from other schools.
Grade 11 students – French mock exam (written and oral) : from Saturday 24th to Thursday 29th April 2021
-Sunday 18th April 2021 4:15 pm: Commission on communication.
-Monday 19th April 2021 5:15 pm: CVL (students).
-Tuesday 20th April 2021 4 pm: Elected parents Committee
-Sunday 25th April 4 pm: Commission on scheduling.
Next step: the answers to all confirmed wishes will be provided on May 27th, 2021.
Other useful information
Due to the new defense law, the opening hours of the secretariats in Yadudeh and Deir Ghbar are as follows : from 8.30am to 2pm
Reception on site only for compelling reasons by appointment.
The 3rd financial term’s invoicing will be made this week.
The centenary of the creation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Here is a short video of our multilingual students for this special occasion!
Week of the Francophonie
The LFiA continues to celebrate the Francophonie:
Grade 2, 4 and 5 pupils together with grade 8/2 students took part in the dictation of the Francophonie. They will receive a certificate of participation and each of the 5 levels’ winners will receive a book.
Here is the dictation that was given to grade 8/2 students : Get to your paper and take a pen!