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Interviews of 50 years, web radio, the agenda and much more information, here is the newsletter N°036

Commemoration of the armistice

As part of an EPI (Interdisciplinary Practical Education), 9th grade students, with their history-geography and French language teachers, wrote letters to show the life and fights conditions during the First World War. In the presence of Mr. Cohic, headmaster of the school, extracts from the letters were read on the occasion of the commemoration of the armistice of November 11. Congratulations to the students of this class for their work!


You will find all the events on the Pronote agenda:
log into your Pronote account and click on the “Communication-Agenda” tab.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Friday, December 9, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

– Saturday November 19 : Maths 1ère / HGGSP Tle /SVT Tle
– Saturday November 26 : PC / SES Tle

Environment week

Water cycle model

The LFiA 1st grade students have worked on the water cycle, water pollution and renewable energies since September and they presented their work model during the environment week. Bravo to all! 

Give an immortal life to objects

2nd and 3rd year kindergarten students’ project on the environment week.

Web radio

The Web radio students interviewed students and teachers from the primary school about the various projects prepared during the environment week at the primary school of Deir Ghbar. Enjoy listening.

50th anniversary interviews

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the LFiA, Former staff and alumni remember their time at school.

DELF certificats

DELF certificates handing out ceremony on October 30 at the residence of the French Embassy to Nabeel Batmani A2, 6th grade student. 

High School Life Council

The new members met for the 1st time on Monday November 14th. They will meet every Monday in weeks B from 12:40 p.m. to 1:20 p.m.

Where are our graduates now?

May ABABNEH (Class of 2022): 1st year in cognitive science at McGill University in Montreal (Canada).

1st grade students’ song

The LFiA 1st grade students worked on the water cycle and water pollution, regarding this topic they sang “Water is gold” for Henri Des. Listen to them singing and before all remember that water is precious. Don’t waste it.