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This new newsletter is intended for all mebers of the LFiA community. It will be done bimonthly, if you want to see more specific informations, do not hesitate to contact us :

Return of books borrowed from the media library before June 15th, 2021
You can drop them off at Deir Ghbar everyday until 12 :30pm
After June 16th, not returned books will be invoiced

Calendar of grade 9, 11 and 12 national exams

Change of dates for the Bac juries

3rd trimester/secondary class councils calendar


-Sunday May 30th: CHS then CHSCT 4 :30pm-6 :30pm
-Wednesday 2nd June: elementary-secondary board meeting (administration and teaching staff) 4 :15pm-5 :45pm
-Wednesday 9th June: CVL (high school students and adults meeting) 3 :00pm-4 :00pm
-Sunday 13th June: School meeting 3 :00pm-5 :00pm
-Monday 14th June: secondary school board meeting 4 :15pm-5 :45pm
-Sunday 20th June: School board meeting 3 :30pm-5 :30pm

Grade 9 – students Preparation for the “DNB”: Sunday 30th May 2021 from 9:30am to 1:30pm

At primary school : June 17th, 2021 : Publication of scholar reports in June 24th
At secondary school : 48 hours before the class council

End of grading period: May 31st, 2021
Last day of classes: June 1st, 2021
Class Council Meeting: June 3rd, 2021.

Other useful information

Due to the new defense law, the opening hours of the secretariats in Yadudeh and Deir Ghbar are as follows: from 8:30am to 2:00pm.
Reception on site only for compelling reasons by appointment.
The pre 1 and pre 2 classes are maintained at the usual times: 8:00am – 1:12pm.

The dialogue sheets are to be completed for the 3rd trimester.
An email will be sent to parents next week to explain the procedure.

LFiA departure procedure

– Deregistration request on Eduka
– Return of library’s books
– Payment of all fees still due
– Validation by the administration
School file to be collected at the school (Yadudeh) from June 27 (except for early departure : contact and and until July 6.
After July 7, the files will be available on return from vacation from August 24.

LFiA alumni

Welcome to the new association of former LFiA students !

Final Orientation

Parcoursup: main admission phase from May 27 to July 16, 2021

To help students make their choices, AGORA Monde is organizing the “Parcoursup Admission Phase Exchange Week”, from Thursday May 27 to Thursday June 3, on the AGORA forum!
This event will be an opportunity for students to ask all their questions regarding the admission proposals received! Former students, students in BAC + 1, BAC + 2, BAC + 3 as well as Excellence-Major scholarship holders will be present to answer them on the AGORA forum.
Campus France/AEFE : study in France guide 2021

DELF primary and school

LFiA students took the DELF primary and school exams at the end of April 2021.
Results to come very soon!

7th grade students receive a prize at the Cre@school Festival

The 7th year students took part in a creativity challenge in technology with all the high schools of the zone. Each establishment presented its two best videos.
Congratulations to Naila, Julianne, Diana, Omar, Yacine who won the problematic prize!!!

What happened to our graduates?

Christopher Duthilleul (Tle S class): 1 st year at the university Institute of Technology in management of businesses and administrations at the University of Marne-La-Vallée.

Week of the Francophonie

New videos have been posted on our social networks !

Check out our various special Francophonie activities on the 
 LFiA and l’IFJ social networks.

Works at Deir Ghbar