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Know more about LFiA Francophonie events, exams calendar, Book-tunnels exhibition, calendar and others. Here is the N° 26 newsletter.

Exam calendar

CP poetry

On the occasion of the Francophonie week, the LFiA CP students are presenting their poems, using the ten words that have been given to work on.


You will find all the events on the Pronote agenda:
log into your Pronote account and click on the “Communication-Agenda” tab.

Thursday 31st March 2022 kindergarten students Carnival in Deir Ghbar and Francophonie works’ exhibition

week of 28th to 31st March 2022 : Visit to the primary school by the pedagogical counsellor of the Middle East area.

– From Sunday 27th to Thursday 31st March 2022

Wednesday 30th March 2022 N°8 Primary school Board of education meeting: educational activity on the theme of teaching comprehension
Wednesday 6th April 2022 N°4 Secondary school Board of education meeting
Wednesday 13rd April 2022 N°4 primary school board meeting

Sunday 3rd April 2022: DELF prim A1 exam at Terra Santa
Friday 8th April 2022: DELF A2 and B2 exams at Terra Santa
Saturday 2nd April 2022 SES and PC 12th grade specialties

Objects forgotten at school and in the shuttles

Did your child forget his jacket, his water bottle or his lunch box? They are surely among the objects that we found and put in the corridor beside the school life office.

Round table conference

As part of the Francophonie celebration, we had the honor to host a round table, on Wednesday 23rd March 2022, organized by the University of Jordan, which addressed the subject of teaching French as a foreign language online and within the framework of innovative pedagogies, it brought some French language teachers from different Jordanian universities together


In the occasion of the Francophonie celebrations, a dictation was organized on Sunday 20th March 2022 in all Yadoodeh site classes.

Book-tunnels exhibition

Here is a small exhibition of book-tunnels made by 6th grade students in art classes on the theme of mythology.
Bravo to the students!

OIF flags

On the occasion of the Francophonie celebrations, 2 flags of the international organization of the Francophonie were installed on both LFiA sites.

Plurilingual Rally

The 1st grade classes participated in the first Plurilingual and Intercultural Rally of the AEFE Middle East zone.The students worked on a survey. They had to find the cakes thief by deciphering clues written in SUALI language
The classes received a participation certificate.
Congratulations to the 1st grade classes!