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ADN Carbone 0 week, Web radio, Career Fair and the calendar and much more information, you can on the N°044 newsletter. 


Ms. CUVILLIER, based in Cairo, pedagogical advisor for the Middle East / Near East zone of the Agency for French Education Abroad, visited the LFiA primary school classes during a training mission from May 16 to 18 and met the teachers and the management. 

Conference of the Arabic language education

The headmaster Mr. Cohic, the director of the primary school Mrs. Touré and the coordinator of Arabic language at the high school Mrs. Dababneh participated, on May 10 and 11, 2023, in the conference of the Arabic language education in Morocco, to give ambition to one of the world Languages.


You will find all the events on the Pronote agenda:
log into your Pronote account and click on the “Communication-Agenda” tab.

– Thursday, May 25, 2023

– Friday, June 16, 2023 

– Wednesday, June 21, 2023

– Monday, June 26, 2023

Web radio

The Web Radio students wanted to know more about how the month of Ramadan could be lived in Jordan. Some people from the LFiA agreed to testify. Listen to them!

After a visit to the Jordan Museum in Amman, the Web Radio students asked their classmates in grade 2 and 3 class about prehistory, a historical period was taught in class.

ADN Carbone 0 week

Our student Sulaiman from the grade 9 class presents the ADN Carbon Week 0 and explains what its objective is.

Quotes of the week

On the occasion of the ADN Carbone 0 week, the eco-delegates of grade 9 class read quotes related to sustainable development every morning.

Orientation race

Orientation race “I run, therefore I plant!” for grade 4, 9 and 10 classes, coming to close the fundraising to plant trees, as part of the ADN Carbone 0 week. Congratulations to the winning team!


As part of the ADN Carbone 0 week, the grade 4 class of the LFiA and the grade 4 class of the French school of Accra (Ghana) participated in the dictation on the theme of the environment.

Round table

As part of the ADN Carbone 0 week, today, the eco-delegates of the grade 9 class had the opportunity to participate in a round table with Ms Maëlle Nexer, a scientific teacher-researcher, and the eco-delegates from grade 9 class of other schools, Jean Giono Turin, ELITE TYR, Lyautey in Casablanca and Jacques Chirac in Rabat. 

Grade 9 class presentations

The grade 9 students presented their work with a grade 9 class from the Lycée La Clairefontaine in Madagascar as part of the DNA Carbon Zero exchange. This project allowed them to deepen certain sustainable development objectives and was entitled “Our cultural and environmental heritage with regard to the sustainable development objectives”.

Career fair

A career fair was organized on Saturday, May 20 at the LFiA
The objective is to encourage students to ask questions about their orientation through the interviews they had with professionals from various corporations and fields.
Thanks to the professionals who gave their time to make this career fair a success!

Where are our graduates now?

Armand Gaudillier (Class of 2019): training course in the IT engineering and specialized in AI and data at the University of Technology of Compiègne (France).

Our students have a talent!

Congratulations to Taliah Aljariri from kindergarten and to Silena Halasa from grade 4 class who won first place (each in her age group) in the international gymnastics competition organized and sponsored by the Jordan Gymnastic Federation.
Taliah won 4 gold medals and a silver medal.
Silena won 2 gold medals.
Bravo to both of you! The LFiA wishes you the best of luck! 

Congratulations to Naya FARAH, a grade 5 student, who won the gold medal in the swimming competition (50m butterfly) and the silver medal in the 100m butterfly competition, organized by Jordan Swimming Federation from May 18 to 20, 2023.